
I can't find any existing solutions because I do not think that anybody else has used eXist-db to do this yet. Does anybody know how to draw bar charts using SVG from eXist-db?

Firstly date:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!ELEMENT akweny (akwen+)>
<!ELEMENT akwen (nazwa, typ, powierzchnia, akweny?)>
<!ELEMENT nazwa (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT powierzchnia (#PCDATA)>

And XML for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE akweny SYSTEM "akweny.dtd">

I know eXist-db has some XSLT transformation functions, e.g.

transform:stream-transform($node-tree as node()*, $stylesheet as item(), 
$parameters as node()?) as item()

But how the hell can I use this? I can't find any examples. I don know how to use it...

Here is my link:


It should show Any of nazwa, any of typ and greater than powierzchnia of 100.

Here is my simple XQuery

let $nodes := doc('/db/Dane/akweny.xml')//akweny[ancestor::akwen/nazwa=request:get-parameter("nazwa", ()) and typ=request:get-parameter("typ", ())]
        for $x in $nodes/* 
        let $nazwa := $x/nazwa/text()
        let $typ := $x/typ/text()
        let $powierzchnia := $x/powierzchnia/text()
            where $powierzchnia >= number(request:get-parameter("powierchnia", ()))

My question is:

How to show all the children of the selected node by: nazwa, typ and powierchnia in the form of a bar chart?

Was it helpful?


Here is an example of doing this in pure XQuery, this will work in eXist, or any other XQuery 1.0 processor:

declare variable $local:max-graph-height := 400; (: pixels :)
declare variable $local:graph-bar-width := 120; (: pixels :)
declare variable $local:graph-bar-spacing := 10; (: pixels :)
declare variable $local:graph-text-below := 20; (: pixels :)

let $awkeny := doc("/db/Dane/akweny.xml")//akwen[xs:int(powierzchnia) gt 100]
let $max-powierzchnia := max($awkeny/powierzchnia)


    <svg xmlns="" 
        height="{ $local:max-graph-height + ($local:graph-text-below * 2) }" 
        width="{ ($local:graph-bar-width + $local:graph-bar-spacing) * count($awkeny) }">

        <linearGradient x1="0%" x2="0%" y1="10%" y2="100%" id="gradient">
            <stop style="stop-color:#0000FF" offset="0"></stop>
            <stop style="stop-color:#FFFFFF" offset="1"></stop>

        for $awken at $i in $awkeny
        let $height := (xs:float($awken/*:powierzchnia) div $max-powierzchnia) * $local:max-graph-height
        let $x := ($i - 1) * ($local:graph-bar-with + $local:graph-bar-spacing)
        let $y := $local:max-graph-height - $height
            <rect width="{$local:graph-bar-with}" 
                height="{$height}" x="{$x}" y="{$y}" 
            <text x="{$x}" 
                y="{$local:max-graph-height + $local:graph-text-below}" 

The above XQuery when run on your awkeny.xml produces a bar-chart in SVG that looks like the following: SVG Bar Chart of awkeny.xml generated from XQuery

Now I think you just need to work that into your XQuery in eXist as you appear from your example to be taking parameters from the incoming HTTP Request, however I can see from your question that you already know how to do that. So you should now be well on your way...


you could have look at the eXist-db jfreechart extension:

When the image type svgz is specified, a compressed SVG file is generated. Precompiled XAR files (including a simple demo) is available both on GitHub and via the eXist-db package manager (public repo)

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