
I have a C# service application which receives files via UDP and saves them into a local drive. The application runs fine on local OS, but when it's running from a VM I get these exceptions from the Socket lib and the IO lib.

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full

System.IO.IOException: Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.

I've tested the disk space, but It's 80% free. Also the Ram on the VM is set to 2GB. I've google but couldn't find much on this topic.

@ David Stratton:
Info About the VM system: Using ESXi 4.1 Host OS windows 2003

@ Seth Noble
Your right. The first exception happens when it's sending a packet to the source. And the Second IO exception when it receives the packets to write to disk.

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If this is only happening in thw VM it is most likely a issue with the implementation of some of the features of the actual VM software and it is safe to assume that it is not due to a programming mistake on your part.

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