
How do I disable the "Use small size" option in the toolbar? I am using Xcode 4.

(That's the option that appears when users go to customize the Toolbar.)

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You could subclass NSToolbar, override -setSizeMode: and in your implementation call [super setSizeMode: NSToolbarSizeModeRegular];.

If you're instantiating the toolbar in Interface Builder then make sure you assign your subclass to the toolbar in the nib.

@implementation RKToolbar
- (void)setSizeMode:(NSToolbarSizeMode)aSizeMode
    [super setSizeMode:NSToolbarSizeModeRegular];

This won't remove the checkbox from the customize panel but it will prevent it from doing anything.

There's not really a supported way to remove the checkbox. This does work but it's pretty hacky:

//in your NSToolbar subclass
- (void)runCustomizationPalette:(id)sender
    [super runCustomizationPalette:sender];

    NSWindow* toolbarWindow = [NSApp mainWindow];

    NSWindow* sheet = [toolbarWindow attachedSheet];

    for(NSView* view in [[sheet contentView] subviews])
        if([view isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]])
            if([[[(NSButton*)view cell] valueForKey:@"buttonType"] integerValue] == NSSwitchButton)
                [view setHidden:YES];


If you're not distributing on the Mac App Store, and don't mind subclassing private methods, you can create an NSToolbarSubclass and override _allowsSizeMode: to return NO:

- (BOOL)_allowsSizeMode:(NSToolbarSizeMode)mode {
    return mode != NSToolbarSizeModeSmall;

This has the added benefit of removing the checkbox from the customization sheet, as well.

Thanks to Rob Keniger for the excellent start. If you can have your custom toolbar as a delegate of your window, you can avoid having "Use small size" visible by getting at the sheet before it is displayed on screen. Do this by implementing [NSToolbar window:willPositionSheet:usingRect:] in the custom toolbar class. Elsewhere in your code, you'll need to do:

[myWindowWithToolbar setDelegate:myInstanceOfXXToolbar];

Here's the updated custom toolbar class:

@implementation XXToolbar

- (void)setSizeMode:(NSToolbarSizeMode)aSizeMode
    [super setSizeMode:NSToolbarSizeModeRegular];

- (NSRect)window:(NSWindow *)window willPositionSheet:(NSWindow *)sheet usingRect:(NSRect)rect {
    NSView *buttonView = nil;

    for(NSView* view in [[sheet contentView] subviews])
        if([view isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]])
            if([[[(NSButton*)view cell] valueForKey:@"buttonType"] integerValue] == NSSwitchButton)
                buttonView = view;

    if (buttonView) {
        [buttonView setHidden:YES];

        // This is important as it causes the sheet to redraw without the button off screen
        [[sheet contentView] display];

    return rect;


Hope you find this useful.

Here's a Swift 2.2 version of @MacGreg's solution. You can keep your NSWindowDelegate wherever you like, just ensure at least the following is called:

var toolbar: UniformToolbar!

func window(window: NSWindow, willPositionSheet sheet: NSWindow, usingRect rect: NSRect) -> NSRect {

    toolbar.removeSizeToggle(window: sheet)

    return rect

Toolbar Subclass without the Checkbox

class UniformToolbar: NSToolbar {

    override var sizeMode: NSToolbarSizeMode {
        get {
            return NSToolbarSizeMode.Regular
        set { /* no op */ }

    func removeSizeToggle(window window: NSWindow) {

        guard let views = window.contentView?.subviews else { return }

        let toggle: NSButton? = views.lazy
            .flatMap({ (view: NSView) -> NSButton? in view as? NSButton })
            .filter({ (button: NSButton) -> Bool in

                guard let buttonTypeValue = button.cell?.valueForKey("buttonType")?.unsignedIntegerValue,
                    buttonType = NSButtonType(rawValue: buttonTypeValue)
                    else { return false }

                return buttonType == .SwitchButton

        toggle?.hidden = true
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