
I am trying to run a function on page load but its not working. I've added it in every place I can think of and the ONLY thing that works is:

$("html").mousemove(function(event) {

I've tried delays but I have resorted to the hacky above method :(

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why my function won't run?


I am using masonry for jquery. My problem is when I load a page that uses masonry with ajax, it shows them in a single column. $('#project_thumbs_container').masonry('reload'); resets it properly, but it only works using the above mousemove method.

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Solution 2

Unless someone has a better answer, I just put the code in my fadeIn(); snippet after ajax call is complete:

this.fadeIn('slow', function() {

Seems to work.


It sounds like you have one of two problems:

1) Malformed HTML which is causing an error, which isn't allowing the code to parse correctly when using the document onReady syntax: $(function() { ... });

2) Masonry might be loading asynchronously, which means that the "onReady" callback might not be the one that you want to be using. Your Ajax call would look more like this:

$('body').load('index.html', function() {

Try something like this.


You can put this code anywhere on the page and it should work, as long as the dependencies have already been loaded.

Just put your function in this

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Handler for .ready() called.
  // your function 

when your page load the function will execute

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