
I can calculate the Matrix representation of first degree Linear recurrence equations. And I calculate for higher order by using fast matrix exponentiation. I learnt this from this tutorial

But I am facing problem in calculating the matrix representation of Second Degree Linear recurrence equations. For example -

S(n) = a * (S(n - 1))^2 + b * S(n - 1) + c
where S(0) = d

Can you help me to figure out the matrix representation of the above equation or give me some insights? Thanks in advance.

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This is polynomial of second degree. The well-known recurrence

 x_(n+1) = (x_n)^2 + c

that is often called the quadratic map is not in general solvable in closed form. Quadratic iteration

x_(n+1) = a (x_n)^2 + b x_n + c

is iteration of the Mandelbrot fractals. This is the real version of the complex map defining the Mandelbrot set.

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