
I'm working as part of a volunatry team creating an open source product with a permissive license. We are currently using Visual SVN Server/TortoiseSVN for source control and TeamCity for our continuous integration builds.

I would like to add a bug tracking component into the mix that will integrate into SVN. Ideally, I'd like to use FogBugz but we have no budget. So, I need an alternative. The requirements are:

  • Must be free or have a free version supporting at least 20 developers (we're volunteers!)
  • Must integrate with VisualSVN Server
  • Must run on Windows
  • I prefer Microsoft technology (ASP.Net over PHP; SQL Server over MySQL, etc) because we are a Microsoft shop, we have experience with those tools and already have them installed.
  • Must be able to work with a geographically distributed team
  • Must work with Express editions of Visual Studio (the developers don't all have the Pro version so we can't rely on Visual Studio add-ins).

I'd like The Community's recommendations, please, for products that meet all of the above requirements.

[Clarification: our license is very close (though not word-for-word) to the MIT license.]

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JIRA is free for open source projects and will run on Windows. Subversion integration is available and provided through a plugin.


Trac: It is not a Microsoft technology but will integrate well into SVN. There are not many free bug tracking software's that are free on Microsoft technology.

Try Bugzilla.

  • Is free
  • I do not know if integrates with SVN... but I suppose the answer is YES.
  • Runs on Windows - you must set up few components, but it actually runs prety well on IIS, however installation is a bit tricky. Bugzilla is Perl and MySQL. However, as I said I had installed succesfully Bugzilla on Windows 2003. Installation of MySql and Perl does not take a lot of server resources - we had those two on our ASP.NET + MSSQL test server, and no performacne drop had been observed.
  • Works with distributed team.

Try InDefero, you can even get the hosted way for free if your project is not that big in size.

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