
currently I am working with activity workflow engine and XML to develop business process diagram. FYI, the activiti workflow diagram is running above Tomcat server.

But i don't know why, I always fail to deploy my process. Here is my XML code:

<definitions id="definitions"

        <process id="accidentForm" name="accidentFormProcess">

          <startEvent id="startEvent" />

          <sequenceFlow id='flow1' sourceRef='startEvent' targetRef='submitForm' />

          <userTask id="submitForm" name="Submit Accident Form" >
             Submit Accident Form

          <sequenceFlow id='flow2' sourceRef='submitForm' targetRef='parallelTask' />

          <intermediateCatchEvent id="parallelTask" >
            <messageEventDefinition messageRef="submission" />

          <sequenceFlow id='flow3' sourceRef='parallelTask' targetRef='sendBoss' />

          <userTask id="sendBoss" name="Send Email Notification to Boss or Sacharbeiter" >
             Send Email Notification to Boss or Sacharbeiter

          <sequenceFlow id='flow4' sourceRef='parallelTask' targetRef='sendEmployee' />

          <userTask id="sendBoss" name="Send Email Confirmation to Employee" >
             Send Email Confirmation to Employee

          <sequenceFlow id='flow5' sourceRef='sendBoss' targetRef='parallelTask2' />

          <intermediateCatchEvent id="parallelTask2" >
            <messageEventDefinition messageRef="submission" />

          <sequenceFlow id='flow6' sourceRef='sendEmployee' targetRef='parallelTask2' />

          <sequenceFlow id='flow7' sourceRef='parallelTask2' targetRef='reviewForm' />

          <userTask id="bossSign" name="Form Reviewed and Signed By The Boss or Sacharbeiter" >
             Form Reviewed and Signed By The Boss or Sacharbeiter

          <sequenceFlow id='flow8' sourceRef='reviewForm' targetRef='sendFormBO' />

          <userTask id="sendFormBO" name="Boss or Sacharbeiter Submit Signed Form to The System" >
             Boss or Sacharbeiter Submit Signed Form to The System

          <sequenceFlow id='flow9' sourceRef='sendFormBO' targetRef='sendEmailBO' />

          <userTask id="sendEmailBO" name="Send Email Notification to Back Office" >
             Send Email Notification to Back Office

          <sequenceFlow id='flow10' sourceRef='sendEmailBO' targetRef='claimAccident' />

          <userTask id="claimAccident" name="Back Office Claim Accident to Insurance Company" >
             Back Office Claim Accident to Insurance Company

          <sequenceFlow id='flow11' sourceRef='claimAccident' targetRef='endProcess' />

          <endEvent id="endProcess" />


Is there anything wrong with my XML? And is there any way to do debugging. For example by using some log or error console? Thanks in advance

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  • Firstly there are multiple userTask with ID value 'sendBoss'. Probably to be called 'sendEmploye'.
  • There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF 'reviewForm' in sequence flow 'flow7'.
  • There is no message definition referenced in intermediate event 'parallelTask'.

TIP: You can use activiti designer plugin for eclipse.

Configure logger in activiti.


The Best way is to use Activiti Designer Plug-ins in Eclipse. Make use of Maven for activiti dependency. Must try it works. And, for deployment use of "Repository Service" is Must. It is one of the API services provided by the process Engine of Activiti.

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