
How do you zero fill a number to 10 positions inside an excel spreadsheet?

i.e. If cell A1 has 1234 how can cell A2 display 0000001234 (10 postions).

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Not a programming question, really:

  1. Select cells you want formatted in this way.
  2. Right click and select "Format Cells..."
  3. Select the "Number" Tag, and scroll down to "Custom" in the category list.
  4. Type "0000000000" into the Type field.


This formula is variable.

It checks the length of the value and add "0" in front

Now the lenght is 10. You can change it.


I know this is a pretty old post, but I've just came across the same problem while exporting a sql table to excel, and I found I very simple solution! Just set the cell format to ' Custom' then type the amount of characters you want the final number to have; In your case 10 positions '0000000000' I don't usually reply to the stackoverflow's posts, so I don't have enought reputation to post images;

Something like the following.

right( "0000000000" & number, 10 )

Put 10 zeroes on the left, take the right-most 10 positions, whatever they turn out to be.

Also, you have

text( number, "0000000000" )

How to display full the number inside in excel workseet?

I.e cell A1 "2.40252E+13" how to display full number in A1 became "24025207702012"

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