
Another question from me. I am actually writing a little HTML/CSS3/jQuery project with the intention to learn more :-).

I could solve all problems by my own except one, that gives my a bad headache now.

Here is it: I want to set a style via jQuery for a button element. On page load set it to display:none.

<div class="header">
    <img id="button" src="img/back_button.jpg"/>

with the css;

  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  display: none;

The button's function is to collapse all accordion I use on click.

        $('.accord').collapsible("option","collapsed", true );

So I need to ask for the state of the accordion/collapsible and set the style.display to block, when a accordion is active. Only if the accordion is open i want to see the button. I tried several things like;

var status = $('[data-role=collapsible]).hasClass('ui-collapsible-collapsed')
        $('#button').css("display", "block")


$("[data-role=collapsible]").on('collapse', $.proxy(function () {
            $('#button').css("display", "block")
        }, this)).on('expand', $.proxy(function () {
            $('#button').css("display", "none")
        }, this));


if($('.accord').collapsible("option","collapsed", true )){
    else if($('.accord').collapsible("option","expand", true )){

but somehow I can't get the result I want. Can you guys (& girls) help me out please?

Was it helpful?


On collapsiblecollapse and collapsibleexpand events, check if any collapsibles are currently open ( $("[data-role=collapsible]").not(".ui-collapsible-collapsed").length > 0 ) and show or hide the button based on this:

$(document).on("pagecreate", "#page1", function(){

    $("#btnCollapse").on("click", function() {
        $('[data-role=collapsible]').collapsible("option","collapsed", true );

    $('[data-role=collapsible]').on("collapsiblecollapse collapsibleexpand", function(){
        if ( $("[data-role=collapsible]").not(".ui-collapsible-collapsed").length > 0){
        } else {



it now works with this js

define(['jquery', 'jqueryMobile'], function($) {

    if($('.accord').collapsible("option","collapsed", true )){

$('[data-role=collapsible]').on("collapsiblecollapse collapsibleexpand", function(){
        if ( $("[data-role=collapsible]").not(".ui-collapsible-collapsed").length > 0){
                $('.accord').collapsible("option","collapsed", true );
        } else {
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