
I was wondering if it's possible to create something like a hyperlink in a LibreOffice document that when called, opens a terminal ssh-ing to the selected "hyperlinked?" IP

The issue is that from time to time, I need to connect via ssh to remote machines. I have a LibreOffice .odt (writer) document with a list of those machines IPs'. I'd like to make it so I can click on one of the IPs and it automatically opens a gnome-terminal with an ssh connection to it. Mainly just to avoid having to open a terminal and type ssh myusername@what.ever.ip

I have created a macro that seems to work:

Sub OpenSSH(remoteIP as Integer, Optional remoteSSHPort as Integer)
If IsMissing(remoteSSHPort) then
    remoteSSHPort = 22
End if
sshCommand = "gnome-terminal --command 'ssh -Y -p " + remoteSSHPort + " myusername@" + remoteIP + "'"
End Sub

This seems to be working for what I need. Now, I would like to go to my LibreOffice document, select one of the IPs I have listed there, and do something like "Run the 'OpenSSH' routine with the selected ip as a parameter'

I don't really need anything fancy, or having the macro sending passwords or complex things like that. I just need it to open a gnome-terminal running the ssh command.

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 with LibreOffice 3.4.4. And I am a total newbie to the intricate (to me) macros world.

Thank you in advance.

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Yes this should be possible. You just need to use the macro URL in the hyperlink.

I use the following URL in one of Libreoffice Calc's automatic tests:


As much as I remember the syntax should be protocol:Package.Module.Method

I'm not sure if the rest is neccesary for you.

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