
I'm sending a JSon to my Asp.Net MVC 3 Controller that is inside a Web Worker (using jquery-hive). At the PostMessage, I can capture a Asp.Net error telling me that it find the controller but has no action method X.

See the code: Here I call the Worker at main.js:

 var worker = new Worker('models/worker.js');

worker.onmessage = function (event) {
    var a = event;

The code into worker.js:

  importScripts('hive.pollen.js');  $(function (msg) {
        url: '/Search/Method1/',
        dataType: 'POST',
        data: null,
        success: function (jsonObj) {
            $.send( jsonObj);

The controller has this method:

    public JsonResult Method1(string test)
        return Json("worked! " + test);

The posMessage that the worker give me back, it's a error.

[HttpException]: A public action method "Method1" was not found on controller SearchController

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It seems like you are issuing a GET request ($.ajax.get method).
Try using jquery's $.post()


You have an error on: dataType: 'POST'.

In your case, you have to put dataType: 'json' in order to send the data in the correct format

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