
I'm trying to create a class structure like this:

public abstract class ParentClass
    protected virtual void BuildQueries()
        var Engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(TopType));
        DataPoints = Engine.ReadFile(ResumeName) as TopType[];

    protected Parent TopType;

public class ChildClass : ParentClass
   protected override Child TopType

and the types:

public abstract class Parent
   //some class members here

public class Child : Parent
   //some class members here

I think there's an easy answer here, but I'm just too new to C# to figure out what I should be googling. I've tried using generics and I just can't get it right.

I know that without the inheritance I'd write

var Engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(Parent));

But this is the part of the inheritance that I'm struggling to figure out.

Sorry I failed to mention that FileHelperEngine references the FileHelpers C# library

Was it helpful?


I do think you're looking for generics, but I'm not totally sure because your question is not clear...

public abstract class ParentClass<T> where T : Parent
    protected virtual void BuildQueries()
        var Engine = new FileHelperEngine<T>();
        var r = Engine.ReadFile(ResumeName);

    protected T TopType { get; set; }

    // (...)

public class ChildClass : ParentClass<Child>
    // don't need to override anything, because your property is generic now
    // which means it will be of type `Child` for this class

public class FileHelperEngine<T>
    where T : Parent  // this generic constraint might not be necessary
    public T[] ReadFile(string name)
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