
Given the input...

Nathan  E   Long
Jay L   Stevens
Edna    J   Jackson
Emma    Watson
Alexa   J   Ness
Charles A   Miller

I'm attempting to write code that reads it one line at a time, seperates the names into 3 tokens, and then rearrange those tokens to read...

Long, Nathan E
Stevens, Jay L
Jackson, Edna J
Ness, Alexa J
Miller, Charles A

Also if I get less than 3 tokens, I throw that name out completely such as Emma Watson. Code...

public class Hmwk {

    public static void main(String[] args)throws FileNotFoundException {
        Scanner names = new Scanner(new File("input.txt"));
        int counter = 0;
        while (names.hasNextLine())
            String nameIn =; 
            String delims = ("\t");
            String[] tokens = nameIn.split(delims);
            if (tokens.length != 3)
                continue; //returns to while loop and gets next line
            String first = tokens[0];
            String middle = tokens[1];
            String last = tokens[2];
            StringBuilder finalName = builder(first,middle,last);


    public static StringBuilder builder(String f, String m, String l)
        StringBuilder theBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        theBuilder.append(' ');
        theBuilder.append(' ');
        return theBuilder;

All names in the file are separated by tabs. My code runs, but it doesn't print out... anything which has me completely confused. Where am I going wrong here?

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First, Scanner#next() only returns the next token. With a default configuration, tokens are separated by whitespace characters. So the first call to

String nameIn =; 

would return


which, when split, only returns an array with length 1.

Use Scanner#nextLine() to retrieve all input until a new line character is found.

Second, it doesn't seem like your tokens are separated by tab characters, \t. Use

String delims = ("\\s+");

to split by one or more whitespace characters.

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