
How can I make a console GUI (more appropriately called TUI) ?

It's important to note that I will be changing the text in some of the spots, and this is why I can't have it just print to the screen. It would be fine to use other modules, but I'd prefer not to have to. Here's an ASCII mockup of what it would look like:

           *                                          *
           *                                          *         
           *                                          * 
           *      There are 8 seconds left.           *
           *                                          *         
           *                                          * 
           *                                          *
           *      The script has run 8 times          *         
           *                                          * 
           *                                          *
           *                                          *         
           *                                          * 

I would need to be able to update the timer and the number of iterations dynamically.

I know how to write over the last printed line using the carriage return. But I can't use that on both lined.

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Solution 2

Try using the curses module.

Here's an introduction.


There is some libraries for that:

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