
If I say

puts "Hello"

and decide to add an extra newline I need to do this:

puts "Hello\n"

Having this character in the string is ugly. Is there any way to do this without polluting my string?

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Just make another call to puts:

puts "Hello"


puts "Hello",""

I often find myself adding a constant in ruby to contain these characters

NEW_LINE = "\n"

puts "Hello" + NEW_LINE

I think it is more readable and makes a change to all newline characters easy if anyone ever decides to separate each line by something else at some later date.

Do you think this looks nicer?

puts "Hello"+$/


The reason Ruby uses "\n" for a newline is because its based on C. Ruby MRI is written in C and even JRuby is written in Java which is based on C++ which is based on C... you get the idea! So all these C-style languages use the "\n" for the new line.

You can always write your own method that acts like puts but adds new lines based upon a parameter to the method.

you can just write

p "Hello"

That should work as well if you want to keep it short and simple

Well, I don't think an explicit newline is ugly. mipadi's answer is just fine as well. Just to throw another answer in, make an array of the lines then join the aray with a newline. :)

What you want fixed: input for script:

puts "Hello there"
puts "Goodbye"

Output from script:

Hello thereGoodbye

Fix for the problem: Input for script:

puts "Hello there"
puts "Goodbye"

Output from script:

Hello there
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