
As I've read all objects in D are fully location independent. How this requirement is achieved?

One thing that comes to my mind, is that all references are not pointers to the objects, but to some proxy, so when you move object (in memory) you just update that proxy, not all references used in program.

But this is just my guess. How it is done in D for real?

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edit: bottom line up front, no proxy object, objects are referenced directly through regular pointers. /edit

structs aren't allowed to keep a pointer to themselves, so if they get copied, they should continue to just work. This isn't strictly enforced by the language though:

struct S {
    S* lol;
    void beBad() {
        lol = &this; // this compiler will allow this....

S pain() {
    S s;
    return s;

void main() {
    S s;
    s = pain();
    assert( !is &s); // but it will also move the object without notice!

(EDIT: actually, I guess you could use a postblit to update internal pointers, so it isn't quite without notice. If you're careful enough, you could make it work, but then again, if you're careful enough, you can shoot between your toes without hitting your foot too. EDIT2: Actually no, the compiler/runtime is still allowed to move it without even calling the postblit. One example of where this happens is if it copies a stack frame to the heap to make a closure. The struct data is moved to a new address without being informed. So yeah. /edit)

And actually, that assert isn't guaranteed to pass, the compiler might choose to call pain straight on the local object declared in main, so the pointer would work (though I'm not able to force this optimization here for a demo, generally, when you return a struct from a function, it is actually done via a hidden pointer the caller passes - the caller says "put the return value right here" thus avoiding a copy/move in some cases).

But anyway, the point just is that the compiler is free to copy or not to copy a struct at its leisure, so if you do keep the address of this around in it, it may become invalid without notice; keeping that pointer is not a compile error, but it is undefined behavior.

The situation is different with classes. Classes are allowed to keep references to this internally since a class is (in theory, realized by the garbage collector implementation)) an independent object with an infinite lifetime. While it may be moved (such as be a moving GC (not implemented in D today)), if it is moved, all references to it, internal and external, would also be required to be updated.

So classes can't have the memory pulled out from under them like structs can (unless you the programmer take matters into your own hands and bypass the GC...)

The location independent thing I'm pretty sure is referring only to structs and only to the rule that they can't have pointers to themselves. There's no magic done with references or pointers - they indeed work with memory addresses, no proxy objects.

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