
I followed 2 different guides to install ruby on OSX and I think I messed some things up. Now that I know what I'm doing a bit more I have a feeling something is wrong. I'd like to 'start fresh' but i dont know what to remove safely (I dont mind re-installing everything. I have nothing super important)

I first used rvm and then decided i wanted to use homebrew. I uninstalled rails with rvm and then 'imploded' rvm. I then installed homebrew and then brew install rails 1.9.3

Although... when i run gem install xxx, all my gems seem to be in a weird path?

For instance, sinatra.rb is installed here:


Notice it says 1.9.1, yet when I run

ruby -v 

I get 1.9.3p0

and which ruby i get this


If i do which [rails,git,mysql,whatever]

they all seem to point to Cellar.

as a sidenote, i have two versions of sinatra.rb on my computer... this is where the other one is (although the one I'm pretty sure it's not using).


kind of ridiculous...

I'm not sure whats going on here.

This is my path if that helps:

export LSCOLORS="GxGxBxDxCxEgEdxbxgxcxd"
export CLICOLOR=1
export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.3-p0/bin:/usr/local/mysql-5.5.18-osx10.6-x86_64/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
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That's fine. You are using 1.9.3. The gems are installed under a 1.9.1 directory, to distinguish them from gems installed for 1.8.7 (some gems that work with the 1.9 series don't with 1.8, and vice-versa). 1.9.1 was the first released version of the 1.9 series.

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