
I am trying to remove html comments(<!-- -->) using jQuery and then use slide or show to make some <article> elements within a div to show up. The reason I am doing this instead of using .hide directly is because when I use .hide the height of the hidden <article>'s is still shown so the container div has empty space below.

Is that possible?

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using jquery uncomment plugin you can remove

here is the library file


library code by Romuald Brunet

   (function($) {
    $.fn.uncomment = function(recurse) {
        $(this).contents().each(function() {
            if ( recurse && this.hasChildNodes() ) {
            } else if ( this.nodeType == 8 ) {
                // Need to "evaluate" the HTML content,
                // otherwise simple text won't replace
                var e = $('<span>' + this.nodeValue + '</span>');

example ---

 <p id="uncomment">
  The <!-- <em>quick</em> brown -->
  fox jumps over the <!-- lazy --> dog <br />
  <a href="#">Click here to reveal <!-- hidden --> comments</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#uncomment a:last').click(function(e) {

    $('#uncomment').uncomment(/* recurse */ true );
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