
I have class X that implements Queue.

I want to pass Class X's Object into AIDL interface. When i am importing class X in .aidl File Eclipse shows an error and says "could not find import for class com.test.X." although the class is there.

package com.test

public class X implements Queue<byte[]>{

public LinkedList<byte[]> que = new LinkedList<byte[]>();

int push =0, pop = 0;

public Iterator<byte[]> iterate = null;

public X()
    iterate = que.iterator();// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

As searching around on Google i have found that You must create a separate .aidl file for each class you wish to use within your service.So, i have created X.aidl but it didnt work. can any one suggest something?


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Try to make your class implementing Parcelable interface. So in your case the declaration will be like:

public class X implements Queue<byte[]>, Parcelable {}

You can read here how to implement Parcelable interface.

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