
Say my html file is from, in it, there's a <script> tag to In bar.js, I want to start a SharedWorker where the url is Is there a way to achieve this (maybe something like jsonp)?

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Solution 2

This is a solution I found:

  • Write the script inside a function (can be an inner function)
  • get the text using function.toString() (removing the function declaration and closing brace)
  • append the text to a BlobBuilder and get the blob
  • Use window.URL.createObjectURL to convert the blob to a url
  • use that url for the worker


The preferred way to do this sort of cross-domain access these days is using the W3 CORS specification.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

However, this might not be suitable for you if you do not control the the site at If you do, then CORS is definitely a good option, but you may need to resort to JSONP if is run by another party, since CORS depends on the site sending back specific headers authorizing your browser to download the resource you requested.

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