
Can anyone tell me what happens here when passing to g in the main, is it static_cast?

int  & g (int&x){x++ ; return x ; } 
int main()

   const int a=5 ; 

I am sure that no copy is made, since the code above is similar to the one below :

class A
        cout << "calling DEFAULT constructor\n\n";
    A(A& Other)
        cout << "Calling COPY constructor\n\n";
        cout << "Calling DESTRUCTOR\n\n";

A& g(A& x)
    cout << "Inside g(A& x) \n\n";
    return x;

void main()
    const A a;

Thanks in advance :)

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static_cast cannot remove constness. This is a const_cast.

At runtime, this code (the first example) yields undefined behavior because you modify a const object.


A C-style cast is a vicious thing -- it will do everything that a reinterpret_cast<> or a const_cast<> will do. It's one of those "the power of a chainsaw with the ease-of-use of a chainsaw" things that C is rightly infamous for.

Using the C++-style casts will show that you need to do a const_cast<>, and then you should ask yourself why and find a better way to do it.

For int, there's no code needed to just pass the reference in. Your cast lets it compile.

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