
I am currently attempting to build tess-two for an OCR android application via command line as instructed on This is done on my macbook, OSX 10.9.4.

In order to build tess-two, this must be typed into command line:

$ 1git clone git:// tess

$ cd tess

$ cd tess-two

$ ndk-build

$ android update project --path .

$ ant release

I encountered a problem as soon as I enter:

$ android update project --path .

This is the error displayed:

-bash: android: command not found

I have spend many hours trying to remedy this, and so far nothing fruitful has come of it. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

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This means the android command is not in your PATH. Try typing which android. It should give you the location if it is within your PATH.
Usually android can be found in your SDK directory under tools

You've got two options:

  1. run the command with your_sdk_path/tools/android update project --paht
  2. add android to your PATH with

    export PATH=$PATH:/your_sdk_path/tools


You must have downloaded Android Development Toolkit bundle first.

Then add /sdk/tools to your path.

I hope you know how to configure your path. If you are not sure please have a look at this :

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