
Hi Stackoverflow,

Im trying to deploy a hybrid ASP.Net Webform/mvc-project onto iis7 but the mvc routing does not work. This is what i have done so far:

  • Added all required mvc-related dlls.(i have double checked bin-catalog to make sure that everythings there on the deployed installation)
  • Added MVC wildcard by adding the IsapiModule handler to iis handler mappings.
  • The Server has .Net-Framework 3.5 SP1 installed.
  • The web site Managed pipeline mode set to classic

Our project requires the app pool to be running in none-integrated pipeline, but im not sure what MVC requires of the app pool, may i run ASP.NET MVC(2) in a none-integrated managed pipeline?

The web application loads and i want to use the MVC-routing to load javascript but the mvc routing does not responde to the request and instead Webforms gives us a 404-response, this only happens when the project has been deployed onto the server.

Does anyone has a idea of why the ASP.Net MVC routing does not fire?

Thanks and Best regards, Mikael

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I found the error, the installer did not update production web.config, so there was some missing mvc-required references, i used this article to find out what was missing, it describes how to setup a hybrid WebForm/Mvc project in a simple way.

And now im able to run a hybrid webform/mvc-project on iis7 classic without any problem.

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