
I am getting this in my error list :

@error_messages = {
                   :password=>["can't be blank", "Password is required."], 
                   :"addresses.firstname"=>["can't be blank","Firstname is required."],
                   :""=>["can't be blank", "city is required."]

Here I want to remove the value "can't be blank" value from this hash so that I will get the validation error messages which was included by me.

is it possible to remove "can't be blank" value from above hash list and I will get this in result :

       @error_messages = {
                          :password=>["Password is required."],
                          :"addresses.firstname"=>["Firstname is required."],
                          :""=>["city is required."]

How to remove a specific value from a hash list(want to remove a specific value not a complete key,value pair).

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Yes, possible.

@error_messages = {
                   :password=>["can't be blank", "Password is required."], 
                   :"addresses.firstname"=>["can't be blank","Firstname is required."],
                   :""=>["can't be blank", "city is required."]

@error_messages.each do |_,v|
   v.delete( "can't be blank" )

# => {:password=>["Password is required."],
#     :"addresses.firstname"=>["Firstname is required."],
#     :""=>["city is required."]}
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