
I'm want to create a basic app that can detect faces. What SDK method or Opensource options could I use for this if someone can help me with detecting faces I'd appreciate it.

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Hi Susan this is a basic example using FaceDetector.Face Class:

public class FaceDetection  extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setContentView(new myView(this));

    private class myView extends View {

        private int imageWidth, imageHeight;
        private int numberOfFace = 5;
        private FaceDetector myFaceDetect;
        private FaceDetector.Face[] myFace;
        float myEyesDistance;
        int numberOfFaceDetected;

        Bitmap myBitmap;

        public myView(Context context) {

            BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo = new BitmapFactory.Options();
            BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
            myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
                    R.drawable.jorgesys, BitmapFactoryOptionsbfo);
            imageWidth = myBitmap.getWidth();
            imageHeight = myBitmap.getHeight();
            myFace = new FaceDetector.Face[numberOfFace];
            myFaceDetect = new FaceDetector(imageWidth, imageHeight,
            numberOfFaceDetected = myFaceDetect.findFaces(myBitmap, myFace);


        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(myBitmap, 0, 0, null);
            Paint myPaint = new Paint();
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFaceDetected; i++) {
                Face face = myFace[i];
                PointF myMidPoint = new PointF();
                myEyesDistance = face.eyesDistance();

                canvas.drawRect((int) (myMidPoint.x - myEyesDistance * 2),
                        (int) (myMidPoint.y - myEyesDistance * 2),
                        (int) (myMidPoint.x + myEyesDistance * 2),
                        (int) (myMidPoint.y + myEyesDistance * 2), myPaint);

Inside your /drawable folder add a an image with several faces to test, this example use an image called jorgesys.png (R.drawable.jorgesys)

more info: Face recognition using android sdk not opencv

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