
Are the objects/controls that you created using IB accessible from a class method?


@interface CopyController : UIViewController
    UIActivityIndicatorView *myActivity;

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView *myActivity;
+(void) activityIndicator:(BOOL)flag;


This implementation in the .m will not be allowed, the error was "Instance variable'myActivety' accessed in class method".

    if (flag)
        [myActivity startAnimating];
        [myActivity stopAnimating];
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You may be able to connect the outlet to the first responder instead of the file's owner to achieve this, but I don't think you can access it from within a class method since your IBOutlet property is going to be an instance-level variable.

Found something similar for linking actions to multiple first responders here.


Yes, they are accessible.

You should add @property IBOutlet ib_object_class *ib_object_name;, open that object settings in IB and set reference outlet to File's Owner by selecting ib_object_name in drop down menu.

Full explanation can be found, for example, here : Creating and Connecting an Outlet

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