
I want to copy a .bin file in a .img file using mcopy. For this, I can use mcopy -i image.img bin.bin ::. When using this, it will tell me: Long file name "bin.bin" already exists. a)utorename A)utorename-all r)ename R)ename-all o)verwrite O)verwrite-all s)kip S)kip-all q)uit (aArRoOsSq):. Due to the size and importance of stable files in this project, I just always want to put in O (small size and no importance, just so you know).

So I searched, and found this could be done by using the command: echo "O" | mcopy -i image.img bin.bin ::. Great. However, mcopy has a slight delay, due to which the echo does NOT enter O on the right time (too soon). I tried to use { sleep 2; echo "O"; } | mcopy -i image.img bin.bin ::, which helps nothing either.

So: How to actually echo text to a command after a delay, using bash?

(For the comments: adding -n to the mcopy command does neither work)

EDIT: There seemed to be some confusion about the purpose of the question, so I will try to clarify it. Point is, I have a problem and I want it solved. This could be done by using mcopy in an alternative way, as proposed in the comments already, OR by delaying the echo to the command (as is the question). Even if my problem is solved in a way where the mcopy command is altered, that still would not answer the question. So please keep that in mind.

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You're asking the wrong question, and you already know the answer to the question you're asking.

For the question "How to actually echo text to a command after a delay, using bash?", the answer is precisely:

 { sleep $DELAY; echo $TEXT; } | command

However, that should hardly ever be necessary. It provides the given text to command's standard input after the given delay, which may cause the command to wait a bit before proceeding with the read input. But there is (almost) never a case where the data needs to be delayed until the command is already waiting for it -- if the command is reading from standard input.

In the case of mtools, however, mcopy is not reading the clash code from standard input. Instead, it is reading it directly from /dev/tty, which is the terminal associated with the command. Redirecting standard input, which is what the bash pipe operator does, has no effect on /dev/tty. Consequently, the problem is not that you need to delay sending data to mcopy's standard input; the problem is that mcopy doesn't use standard input, and bash has no mechanism to hijack /dev/tty in order to fake user input.

So the other question might be "how to programmatically tell mcopy which clash option to use?", but apparently you know the answer to that one, too: use the -D command line option (which works with all relevant mtools utilities).

Finally, a more complicated question: "Is there some way to automate a utility which insists on reading input from /dev/tty?" Here, the answer is "yes" but the techniques are not so simple as just piping. The most common way is to use the expect utility, which allows you to spawn a subprocess whose /dev/tty is a pseudo-tty which expect can communicate with.

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