
I'm developping a REST API using Symfony2. I have a reservation system and I would like to send an email to a customer when his reservation is validate by an admin.

I have a Reservation ressource, and we can validate a reservation using this url :

PATCH localhost/:id/validate

I want to know if is it correct to put the email content into the request body when validate a ressource, using the PATCH method.

If no, what should be the correct way ?

Thanks, Mehdi.

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First, about the resources and REST.

When you say PATCH localhost/:id/validate you should read that as "I am updating an existing validate". "A Validate" is nothing, not even proper English. A validate is not a Resource, it is an action. When you have actions (verbs) in your URL, your API is RPC, not REST. Also see my longer answer here.

So, consider what you are really doing. One of below:

  • You are updating a reservation
  • You are creating a validation on a reservation
  • You are replacing a reservation with a validated version of that reservation.

The first would make most sense and is simplest.
PATCH /reservations/{id} status=valid
Does the reservation already hold an email-adddress? Then use that. Otherwise consider sending an email along.
PATCH /reservations/{id} status=valid&
This reads as "update the reservation email and status with the following values". Since PATCH (and POST) may have side-effects, sending out a mail is perfectly fine.

The second is neccessary when one reservation has many validations. Or when the REST-clients need to track validations separately from reservations (e.g. a GET /reservations/{id}/validations/{id}). In those cases it makes sense to have a Validation resource.
POST /reservations/{id}/validations.
If the reservation has no email-address, send it along.
POST /reservations/{id}/validations
This reads as "make a validation for this reservation on email". This reads as "I make a new validation on this reservation". Since POST (and PATCH) may have side-effects, sending out a mail is perfectly fine.

The third case is important, because of side-effects. If you want to present a way where clients can be certain there are no side-effects, this comes into play.
PUT /reservations/{id} room=12&date=1970-01-01&status=valid&
This reads as "replace the exsiting reservation with a validation that has a validated status." Since PUT should never have side-effects, a client can be certain that replaying this (on e.g. network errors, heavy load or whatever) will never cause the user to be spammed.


If the goal is to validate, wouldn't POST be more appropriate? The notion of validating is more RPC-like than resource-like. According to RFC 5789, PATCH should be used to partially modify a resource.

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