
I have a function which dynamically creates an element and attaches a click event to this new element.

In the current state of my app, this function is called 5 times: for the 4 first created elements, all works fine, but the 5th one has no event attached!

I insist: I'm not merely saying that click doesn't work: Using $._data(myElemn,'events') in the console, I get Object { click=[1]} returned for the 4 working elements, but "undefined" for the last one.

Here is the code. But I don't think is where the problem lies: since it works for other elements, It seems that the difference should come from the particular context of the 5th element. So my question is rather: can we imagine which particular conditions may cause and event not to be attached (obviously,without any error message).

var createDDT= function(element) { /*
Creates a drop-down toggle button embedded into element.
  $(element).css({position:'relative'}) // (relative: since DDT pos is absolute)
    $('<span \/>').addClass(DDT)
    .append($('<span \/>'))
    // when click, toggle submenu:
    .click(function(event) {
      // hide or show current %Submenu:
      var submenu=$('li').find(jqSUBMENU);
      // hide any other %Open %Submenu:
      setTimeout(liveWidthDisplay,_params.cssTimeout); // adjust LWD's position
      return false; // avoid following link, if embedded in <a>

[EDIT] As I previously said, the issue resides probably outside of the function. To emphasize it, in my app I tried replacing the code by the following:

var createDDT= function(element) { /*
Creates a drop-down toggle button embedded into element.
  $(element).css({position:'relative'}) // (relative: since DDT pos is absolute)
    $('<span \/>').addClass(DDT)
    .append($('<span \/>'))
    // when click, toggle submenu:
    .click(function(event) {

Then the result is unchanged: $._data(myElem,'events') returns "undefined".

Unfortunately, I can't realistically add a significant context into jsFiddle, since it is a huge app.

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can we imagine which particular conditions may cause and event not to be attached

Yes, either you aren't actually passing your 5th element to the createDDT function - or else you have some other code that is destroying the event handler - possibly innerHTML or some such.

In any case a better way to handle this, that will ensure you get the event is to attach a single event handler higher up in the DOM. For example on the body (although any parent element that exists in the DOM will do).

// presuming DDT is a classname such as ".foo" 
$('body').on('click', DDT, function(event) {

This way you have a single event that you don't need to create for each element regardless of it is dynamically added to the DOM or not.

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