
I'm trying to access to TFS but it doesn't let me. In my personal PC I open the Remote Desktop, then I proceed to connect to the server where is located the Team Foundation Server. Then inside the server, I go to the Google Chrome and try to sign in to TFS but it just asks me my credentials over and over again saying that I have to provide valid credentials to have access to the TFS. This is the same if I try to log on from Visual Studio so, I don't know what is going on...

But if I try to access from my local machine, I mean, not from the server, I can properly enter with my TF credentials. Do any body knows whay is this happening?

I hope you can help me. Thank you!

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Thanks everyone for answering my question.

I've found the issue.

The problem was that I tried to access specifying the tfs like this

but it was wrong. Been at server I just had to specify the url like this:

tfs:8080/tfs and that's it.

I can now access correctly to my tfs from server.

Again thank you everybody for our time.



I would try to disable the Loopback check (see this page for an example).

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