Python function for removing zeroes right of decimal, including decimal point? [duplicate]


  •  22-06-2023
  •  | 


I am using xlrd to read values from cells in an excel spreadsheet. Whenever I detect a cell type = 2, then I know it is a number. A number of 3 in cell will be returned as 3.0 And a number of 3.14 will be returned as 3.14

I will be converting numbers to text. What function should I use to remove zeroes right of the decimal and the decimal?

The above 2 numbers should be 3 and 3.14

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Use str.rstrip(), twice:


This will remove trailing zeros, and if that leaves you with a trailing . it's removed as well.


>>> '3.14'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> '3.0'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> '3000.0'.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

Don't be tempted to use .rstrip('.0'); it'll remove too many zeros:

>>> '3000.0'.rstrip('.0')


I always use format when printing values to strings. Using the format specs, it gives a good deal of control over what is printed.

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