How to manipulate the reduce function in crossfilter in a way to create a certain array/object structure?


  •  24-06-2023
  •  | 


I'm using crossfilter and am looking for a certain output after the reduce function:

var ndx = crossfilter(data);     
var alDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.al_code_unique; });
var seatsPaxAirline =
            function(a, d) {
                a.seats += d.seats;
                a.pax += d.pax;
                return a;
            function(a, d) {
                a.seats -= d.seats;
                a.pax -= d.pax;
                return a;
            function() {
                return  {seats:0, pax:0 }; }

seatsPaxAirline is now an array of objects like this:

{key: "5Y", value: {pax: 60, seats: 100}},
{key: "4Y", value: {pax: 50, seats: 90}},
{key: "3Y", value: {pax: 40, seats: 80}}

But I do need the following output from the crossfilter reduce function:

 {key: "5Y", value: [ {name: "pax", value: 60}, {name: "seats", value: 100}},
 {key: "4Y", value: [ {name: "pax", value: 50}, {name: "seats", value: 90}},
 {key: "3Y", value: [ {name: "pax", value: 40}, {name: "seats", value: 80}},

I feel it's just a question of changing the reduce function in a certain manner but unfortunately I have no clue. Could someone help me on this? Thanks in advance!

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As far as I understand the question, you need to change your reduce function like so:

var seatsPaxAirline =
            function(a, d) {
                a[0].value += d.seats;
                a[1].value += d.pax;
                return a;
            function(a, d) {
                a[0].value -= d.seats;
                a[1].value -= d.pax;
                return a;
            function() {
                return  [{name: 'seats', value: 0}, {name: 'pax', value: 0}]; }

The key is in how you set up the reduceInitial function, as that will determine the data structure of your 'a' object that gets passed through the reduce.


From what I understand, your input format is similar to:

var seatsPaxAirline = 
    [{key: "5Y", value: {pax: 60, seats: 100}},
     {key: "5Y", value: {pax: 40, seats: 100}},
     {key: "3Y", value: {pax: 30, seats: 100}},
     {key: "2Y", value: {pax: 70, seats: 100}},
     {key: "4Y", value: {pax: 50, seats: 100}},
     {key: "1Y", value: {pax: 45, seats: 100}},
     {key: "2Y", value: {pax: 50, seats: 100}},
     {key: "5Y", value: {pax: 60, seats: 100}},
     {key: "5Y", value: {pax: 65, seats: 100}},
     {key: "5Y", value: {pax: 55, seats: 100}}

And, you wish to group elements based on their key values like:

    "5Y": [{"key": "5Y", "value": {"pax": 60, "seats": 100}},
           {"key": "5Y", "value": {"pax": 40, "seats": 100}}, 
           {"key": "5Y", "value": {"pax": 60, "seats": 100}}, 
           {"key": "5Y", "value": {"pax": 65, "seats": 100}}, 
           {"key": "5Y", "value": {"pax": 55, "seats": 100}}],
    "3Y": [{"key": "3Y", "value": {"pax": 30, "seats": 100}}],
    "2Y": [{"key": "2Y", "value": {"pax": 70, "seats": 100}},
           {"key": "2Y", "value": {"pax": 50, "seats": 100}}],
    "4Y": [{"key": "4Y", "value": {"pax": 50, "seats": 100}}],
    "1Y": [{"key": "1Y", "value": {"pax": 45, "seats": 100}}]

If this is what you are looking to achieve using D3 then this is the way to do it:

d3.nest().key(function(d){return d.key}).map(seatsPaxAirline);

And, here's the working demo.

EDIT: I believe the sample object you've provided is malformed. But, if you modify the code I provided as shown below:

var output = d3.nest().key(function(d){return d.key}).map(seatsPaxAirline);
    delete o["key"];
    d.value[j] = d3.entries(o.value);
output = d3.entries(output);

The output you'll get is:

  "key": "5Y",
  "value": [
    [{"key": "pax","value": 60}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}],
    [{"key": "pax","value": 40}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}],
    [{"key": "pax","value": 60}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}],
    [{"key": "pax","value": 65}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}],
    [{"key": "pax","value": 55}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}]
}, {
  "key": "3Y",
  "value": [
    [{"key": "pax","value": 30}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}]
}, {
  "key": "2Y",
  "value": [
    [{"key": "pax","value": 70}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}],
    [{"key": "pax","value": 50}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}]
}, {
  "key": "4Y",
  "value": [
    [{"key": "pax","value": 50}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}]
}, {
  "key": "1Y",
  "value": [
    [{"key": "pax","value": 45}, {"key": "seats","value": 100}]

This is as close as I can get it to the desired data structure. See if this is usable for you.

Updated Demo

PS: I realize that this isn't the most efficient of solutions but this is as good as it gets with me & D3. If you wish to fool around with the data structure, consider using underscoreJS.

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