
i am trying to build a web application allowing the user to upload an image text and convert it into text file retrieving the text from it

to do this i search the web looking for an open source java OCR i found tesseract , javaOCR , aspire( but only trial version ) tess4j etc

tesseract OCR is highly recommended but doesn't have a java 64 bits version

The reason I need a 64 bit version is that I'm using it as part of a Java project that requires a 64-bit JVM. The 32 bit version of Tesseract clearly won't work in the 64 bit JVM

is there a version of tesseract ocr working on windows 64 bits ?

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There are 64-bit Tesseract and Leptonica DLLs available from Tesseract .NET wrapper project. You can use them together with Tess4J.

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