
I am using git-bash on a Windows system.

The Windows clock shows local time, but inside git-bash everything is in GMT time:

$ date
Mon Mar 31 16:08:57 GMT 2014

Also setting TZ will not change things:

$ TZ="Europe/Berlin" date
Mon Mar 31 16:09:01 GMT 2014

Similarly all times it git log are GMT only.

Is there a way to set the correct timezone in git-bash?

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On Windows the TZ variable seems to work differently.

To get the German timezone you have to write:

TZ=GST-1GDT date

If you set it to some "invalid" value like "Europe/Berlin" it will default to GMT. The same seems to happen on my system when TZ is not set at all.

With the above setting I get Thu Apr 17 16:23:23 GDT 2014 which is not exactly the same as Thu Apr 17 16:23:23 CEST 2014, but at least the time looks right.


Same problem here in my script. Windows was showing 15:47 and the "date" command in gitbash was answering 13:47.

export TZ="CEST-2" 

This fixed the problem for me. I wanted Paris time.

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