
I'm trying to accomplish accessing the attributes that are part of the root node using Groovy and XmlSlurper. I can do this easily with nested nodes, but can't seem to access the root node.

Here is the XML structure (simplified):

<coverage lines-covered="2353" lines-valid="2943">
    <sources />
    <packages />

I'd like to be able to get to the lines-covered and lines-valid attribute values. Here is the code I'm trying out:

def cobertura = new XmlSlurper().parse(xml)
def coverage = cobertura.coverage
def lines = cobertura.find { it.@lines-covered }
println lines

I've also tried:

def cobertura = new XmlSlurper().parse("cobertura-coverage.xml")
def coverage = cobertura.coverage
println coverage.@lines-covered


def cobertura = new XmlSlurper().parse("cobertura-coverage.xml")
println cobertura.@lines-covered
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You need to put the lines-covered part in quotes since it contains a dash:

def cobertura = new XmlSlurper().parse("cobertura-coverage.xml")
println cobertura.@'lines-covered'
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