
I am trying to publish via something more reliable than the FTP option, which works very intermittently from visual studio - and is very slow. So let me first ask you: In 2011, using visual studio to publish, is WebDAV the best option?

Anyway, I've got WebDAV hosted by IIS 7 up and running, and I have managed to map it as a drive. I can copy files there aswell, except anything with the file extension .svc. I can publish everything else I've tried, and also publish the .svc file if I first rename it to something else, then renaming back after it already is in the WebDAV directory.

Here is the IIS log:

2011-03-19 18:32:54 PROPFIND /bin/service.svc - 80 SERVER\User my.ip.not.shown Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7600 405 0 0 0

As you can see, it ends in 405.

The only similar thing I've managed to google up could be solved by configuring the , and sections of the applicationHost file. The logical thing would be to check for an entry in , but it says nothing about .svc. I've also tried setting applyToWebDAV to false.

Any ideas?


Thinking on it, could it simply be that the WCF http handler intercepts the url, since .svc is registered with that handler?

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Alright, I figured it out. The WCF handler was ordered before the WebDAV handler in the handler mappings, so it intercepted requests to *.svc. It in turn returned 405 method not allowed for PROPFIND.

Simply move the WebDAV entry upwards in the list until it is listed appropriately early in the mappings.

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