
Simply put, I would like rid to order my pid.

Instead of creating an extra table called 'rank' with 4 rows I would like to be able to just attach a virtual rank that gives the same effect. My rank is just there to give a position to my tags. Since I have 4 tags per id I would have a value of 1-4 enumerating those tags.

This way I won't have to manually put in the same numbers over and over again.

My tables:

   people            tags_rel               tags           rank

id   | etc     id | pid  | tid | rid      id | tag          id
-----+-----    ---+------+-----+----      ---+--------      --
2345 |         1  | 2345 |  2  | 1        1  | bread        1
2346 |         2  | 2345 |  3  | 2        2  | water        2
2347 |         3  | 2345 |  1  | 3        3  | bear         3
               4  | 2345 |  6  | 4        4  | milk         4
               ---+------+-----+----      5  | hotdogs
               5  | 2346 |  3  | 1        
               6  | 2346 |  4  | 2
               7  | 2346 |  2  | 3
               8  | 2346 |  5  | 4
               9  | 2347 |  6  | 1
              10  | 2347 |  1  | 2
              11  | 2347 |  4  | 3
              12  | 2347 |  5  | 4

My query:

SELECT as pid, t.tag as tname, tr.tid as trid, as rank
FROM people AS p
RIGHT JOIN tags_rel AS tr ON =
LEFT JOIN tags AS t ON tr.tid =
LEFT JOIN rank AS r ON tr.rid =

MySQL expected results:

> +--------+------------+--------+------+
> | pid    | tname      |  trid  | rank |
> +--------+------------+--------+------+
> | 2345   | water      |    2   |   1  | 
> | 2345   | bread      |    1   |   2  |
> | 2345   | cereal     |    3   |   3  |
> | 2345   | milk       |    4   |   4  |
> | 2346   | cereal     |    3   |   1  |
> | 2346   | milk       |    4   |   2  |
> | 2346   | water      |    2   |   3  |
> | 2346   | hotdogs    |    5   |   4  |
> | 2347   | chocolate  |    6   |   1  | 
> | 2347   | bread      |    1   |   2  |
> | 2347   | bread      |    4   |   3  |
> | 2347   | bread      |    5   |   4  |
> +--------+------------+--------+------+

I am using rank as position. So whatever tags are attached to pid I would like to show by first position. Since the tags are different for each pid they would have different positions. I may want to call tname=water by rank=1 and it would display all the 'water' tags in position 1 only.


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If I understand it correctly, you want to remove the rid column from your tag_rel table, and have an automatically genarated position field in your query instead. The "position" of a tag in your case can be understood as the number of entries in the tag_rel table that have been added for a specific pid. In other words: all entries in the table with the same pid and an id that is equal or lower, assuming id is an autoincrement field.

I think this can be done as follows. Mind you, it may not be the most efficient code in the world:

SELECT id, pid, tid, (
    SELECT count(*) from tags_rel t2 where = and <=
) AS rid
FROM tags_rel t1;

I'm not entirely sure this will work, as I only have mysql 3 here, which doesn't do subqueries like this. I think it will though.

If you may have more than 4 tags linked to a person, but you want only the first 4 tags for each person, you can now use:

    [the above query]
) WHERE rid <= 4;

This having been said, I think in almost all situations you might as well just order by pid, id and then adding the rank numbers in your output medium. But then, I don't know your situation.

I think the most important thing is: is this what you meant? If so, hopefully some people on here will be able to provide you with the best answer to your question.


For your current query, this would amount to:

SELECT as pid, t.tag as tname, tr.tid as trid, (
           SELECT count(*) 
           FROM tags_rel AS tr2 
           WHERE = and <=
       ) AS rank
FROM tags_rel AS tr
LEFT JOIN people AS p ON =
LEFT JOIN tags AS t ON tr.tid =

assuming you don't need the where rid <= 4 part. (By the way: the tr.tid as trid kind of suggests you want to select instead of the tags_rel.tid (== I'm not sure if that's what you mean; if not, it might be better to select tr.tid as tid (or just tr.tid).)


make use of order by and limit

order by pid,rank
limit 4;

Here is the query you want.

SELECT AS pid, t.tag AS tname,tr.tid AS trid,tr.rid AS rank
people AS p JOIN tags_rel AS tr ON =
LEFT JOIN tags AS t ON tr.tid = 
order by pid,rank;

If you just want the 'water' tags in position 1, you would add "WHERE tname = 'water' AND rank = '1'" before "ORDER BY".

Note that there is actually no need for your rank table. If you want the 'rid' field to be restricted to only 4 values, just make it an enum datatype.

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