
First, I have a Google visualisation dataTable.

After that I create a for loop to get table cell values and put then in input fields:

for (var y = 0, maxrows = data.getNumberOfRows(); y < maxrows; y++) {
    for (var x = 1, maxcols = data.getNumberOfColumns(); x < maxcols; x++) {

      data.setValue(y, x, '<input id="costRedovi" vr="'+ data.getValue(y,0) + '" kol="'+ data.getColumnLabel(x) +'" class="form-control" value="'+data.getValue(y,x)+'">');

Now every value is into table cell into input field. Now I can change those values when table is ready, but how to get those values now because my script produce this HTML code now. Also I need to get value on event .focusout on an input field:

<tr class="google-visualization-table-tr-even google-visualization-table-tr-sel">
   <td class="google-visualization-table-td"><input id="costRedovi" vr="2013-04-01" kol="John Deer n7" class="form-control" value="0"></td>
   <td class="google-visualization-table-td"><input id="costRedovi" vr="2013-04-01" kol="Laza Lazic" class="form-control" value="0"></td>

I tried to do this:

new, 'ready', function () {

    $("#costRedovi").focusout(function() {


The problem is that every input has the same ID now.

Was it helpful?


If you were to use a class instead of an ID, that is:

<tr class="google-visualization-table-tr-even google-visualization-table-tr-sel">
  <td class="google-visualization-table-td"><input vr="2013-04-01" kol="John Deer n7" class="form-control costRedovi" value="0"></td>
  <td class="google-visualization-table-td"><input vr="2013-04-01" kol="Laza Lazic" class="form-control costRedovi" value="0"></td>

You could then retrieve the unfocused-input like so:

$(".costRedovi").focusout(function() {
  var origval = $(this).attr('value');
  var editedval = $(this).val();

  console.log("before: " + origval + ", after:" + editedval);
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