
I have a C# application which assume it runs from bin directory

string current_directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //get current directory, this is the bin dir
string parent_dir = Directory.GetParent(current_directory).ToString();// this is parent of bin dir

string _Config1 = parent_dir + "\\config\\x.cfg";
string _Config2 = parent_dir + "\\config\\y.cfg";
string _Log = parent_dir + "\\log\\z.log";

The problem is for some reasons the user can not go to the bin directory and run the app (just type "application_name"). He has to run it using path (ie d:\blah\1\blah\2\blah\3\bin\application_name)

when he does this he gets


so either I have to capture the path he uses to run the program and use it in my program or somehow make my application to be able to run using path.

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You can use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.


Use the Application.StartupPath for WinForms.

You can use reflection:

var path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().GetCodebase );
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