
I have a function in JavaScript that increments a password strength bar. It only goes of the strings length currently and i want it to increment more if it has unique characters in and a combination of upper and lower case characters. Below is the current function which does work.

var bar = $('#progressbar div');
var password1 = $("#txtNewPassword");
var len = password1.val().length;
bar.css('width', len * 10 + '%');
if (len * 10 < 50) 
    bar.css('background', 'red');
else if(len * 10 > 50 && len * 10 < 100) 
    bar.css('background', 'orange');
else if (len * 10 >= 100)
    bar.css('background', 'green');

Also I have a submit button that is enabled and disabled when the strength is sufficient enough. I want that to enable the same as it does now but with the new additions. below is the add and remove attribute.

if (len * 10 < 100 || password != confirmPassword) 
    $('#submitPC').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

I figured i would use a variable set within each conditional statement that would enable the submit dependent on strength rather than just the length like so.

if (blnStrength = true && password != confirmPassword) 
    $('#submitPC').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Now i want it to include special characters and never to get to 100% unless it contains at least 1 number upper case and lowercase character. currently 1234567890 or abcdefghij would be classed as a strong password when it is clearly not. below are a couple of example minimums I would want to be able to use.

at least 1 number Ucase or Lcase Kieran12345 or something like K13r4NVen1s0N Should be secure

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To test if your password contains desired chars you can use RegExp.

To check if it contains a number:

hasdigit = /[0-9]/.test(password);

Equaly to check for uppercase and lowercase:

hasdifferentcase = /[a-z]/.test(password) && /[A-Z]/.test(password);
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