
I have a UIPickerView inside a custom tableViewCell (subclassed). I'am able to populate it and get data back from it. More or less.

I have this method I implement in order to get info everytime some of the components changed:

-(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component{

    if (self.pickerDelegate !=nil &&[self.pickerDelegate conformsToProtocol:@protocol(PickerCellDelegate)]) {

        if ([self.pickerDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(somethingOnThePickerIsSelected:selectionArray:)]){

            NSMutableArray *pepe;

            for (int i=0; i<[[self.cellPickerInputDictionary objectForKey:@"components"] count]; i++) {

                NSObject*foo=[[[self.cellPickerInputDictionary objectForKey:@"components"] objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:[self.cellPicker selectedRowInComponent:i]];

                [pepe addObject:foo];

                NSLog (@"foo: %@", foo);


            NSLog (@"pepe: %@", pepe);

          [self.pickerDelegate somethingOnThePickerIsSelected:self selectionArray:pepe];



I have two components, but in order to make it "universal" (independent of a particular situation) I don't want to hard-write numbers here and there.

In the example shown, I don't understand why the NSLog shows correct for the variable foo but shows null for the NSMutableArray pepe.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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You are not allocating your mutable array pepe.

NSMutableArray *pepe=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];

In fact, you can do that on your init method, and declare pepe as property

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