
Hypothetically, lets say we have these two methods:

void example(int p){
    p += 10;
    p = exampleTwo(p);

int exampleTwo(int p){
    int pp = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < p; i++){
    return pp;

The method exampleTwo has a linear runtime. Its run time is O(n).

So, what is the big O notation of the method example, taking into account that it calls exampleTwo?

I would imagine it is also O(n), but I do not know for sure.

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Solution 2

example() has no loop, it does nothing extra to exampleTwo() so it has the same order of complexity, i.e. O(n), as exampleTwo().

If example() is changed to this:

int example(int p){
  int sum = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<p; ++i){
    sum += exampleTwo(p);
  return sum;

then the complexity is now O(n²): as p gets bigger the amount of work to do increases by the square of p.


For subroutines, you should multiply the order by the order of the number of the number of times it is called. For example, if a function is called O(n) times, and runs in O(log n) time, the total order is O(n log n).

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