
Registrazione is a checkbox. When is clicked i want that email1 email2 pass1 pass2 become required. How can i do that? This is the source

registrazione: {
                required: false
                // TODO: set email1 email2 pass1 pass2 required!!
            email1: {
                email: "Email non valida"
            email2: {
                equalTo: "Gli indirizzi non corrispondono"
            pass1: {
                password_regex: "Inserire solo lettere e numeri",
                minlength: "La password deve essere almeno di 6 caratteri",
                maxlength: "Password di massimo 20 caratteri"
            pass2: {
                equalTo: "Le password non corrispondono"
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Solution 2

You can use depends inside required (see the jQuery Validate Docs), like this:

required: {
  depends: function (element) {
    return $("#YourcheckboxId:checked")


registrazione: {
    required: false
    // TODO: set email1 email2 pass1 pass2 required!!
email1: {
    email: "Email non valida",
    required: {
        depends: function (element) {
            return $("#YourcheckboxId:checked")
email2: {
    equalTo: "Gli indirizzi non corrispondono",
    required: {
        depends: function (element) {
            return $("#YourcheckboxId:checked")
pass1: {
    password_regex: "Inserire solo lettere e numeri",
    minlength: "La password deve essere almeno di 6 caratteri",
    maxlength: "Password di massimo 20 caratteri",
    required: {
        depends: function (element) {
            return $("#YourcheckboxId:checked")
pass2: {
    equalTo: "Le password non corrispondono",
    required: {
        depends: function (element) {
            return $("#YourcheckboxId:checked")


Just add required attr to the field it will automatically validate the form

if($this).is(': checked ')
 $('#email1, #email2, #pass1, #pass2 ').attr('required', 'required')
} else {
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