
Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.

I use the following query

SELECT wh_id, item_number
FROM   table_1

To get a table result that looks like this

wh_id    item_number
  1        12341
  2        12342
  3        12343
  4        12344

My result needs to look like below where the value in the constant column are not really located anywhere in any table. Rather its returned dynamically regardless of how many rows are returned the result set always returns the text 'link' for every row.

wh_id    item_number   Constant
  1        12341         link
  2        12342         link
  3        12343         link
  4        12344         link
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Something like this?

SELECT wh_id, item_number, 'link' as Constant
FROM   table_1
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