
I want to make my customer account page into 1column page layout then move the customer_account_navigation from left to top of the content. Any idea/approach on how to easily do this? Thanks guys!

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TO move the navigation menu, you need to edit the customer.xml layout file of your theme and and inside the tag <customer_account> move this section.

<block type="customer/account_navigation" name="customer_account_navigation" before="-" template="customer/account/navigation.phtml">
   <action method="addLink" translate="label" module="customer"><name>account</name><path>customer/account/</path><label>Account Dashboard</label></action>
   <action method="addLink" translate="label" module="customer"><name>account_edit</name><path>customer/account/edit/</path><label>Account Information</label></action>
   <action method="addLink" translate="label" module="customer"><name>address_book</name><path>customer/address/</path><label>Address Book</label></action>

Remove if from inside the tag <reference name="left"> to <reference name="content">.

Also in order to change the template from 2columns-left to 1column, change inside the same tag <customer_account>, this:

<reference name="root">
    <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>

TO this:

<reference name="root">
    <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>

You may need to make some css changes after that to make the navigation menu fit in your theme.


Open app\design\frontend\YOUR_THEME_TEMPLATE\default\layout\customer.xml file.
In that customer_account chnage

<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
For Account Links on top See:- Magento - How to add/remove links on my account navigation?

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