
I am new to angularjs and ui-router and having trouble getting the resource service to format the GET URL in the way I would like, using the parameter I am passing to it.

Here is my Controller code:

views: {

            'detail': {
              templateUrl: 'app/receipts/receipts.detail.html',
              resolve: {
                  function( receiptAPI, $stateParams ){

                    //send state param: receiptId to service and get data
                    var receiptAPIresponse = receiptAPI.query({receiptId:$stateParams.receiptId});
                    return receiptAPIresponse;


              controller: ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'receipt',
                function (  $scope,   $stateParams,   receipt) {

                    $scope.receipt = receipt;


Here is my Resource Service that requests data from the API:

var receiptAPIservice = angular.module('receiptAPIservice', ['ngResource']);

receiptAPIservice.factory('receiptAPI', ['$resource',

    return $resource('http://myapi.url/api/receipts/:rId', {

      rId: '@receiptId',

    }, {

      query: {

This all works, except that the service is requesting the URL:


when I would like the URL to be formatted as:


It appears that the template replacement is not working as it specifies that it should, in the documentation at:$resource

Can someone please tell me what am I missing?

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This line:

var receiptAPIresponse = receiptAPI.query({receiptId:$stateParams.receiptId});

Needs to be changed to this:

var receiptAPIresponse = receiptAPI.query({rId:$stateParams.receiptId});

Notice the rename of your receiptId to rId property. You need to make sure that the parameter name matches the placeholder in your URL template.

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