How hard is it to create a json api? Can you re-use a controller action for both json and a view?


  •  28-06-2023
  •  | 


Does play 2 have attributes or something if you want a controller action to say pull a record from the database, and then return the object in json format?

Could a controller action return either a view or json format based on the request header type?

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Play makes it very easy to serve a JSON api with it's RESTful architecture and built in JSON library. This page of the documentation spells it out completely -

As far as serving different formats from the same controller action, here's an example expanding on the Play docs that would work. This uses a querystring parameter, but could just as easily be a header.

Controller action:

def listPlaces(format: String) = Action {
  // Get list of Place from Service/DAO/etc
  val places: List[Place] = Place.list

  // Serve result
  format match {
    case "JSON" => {
      val json = Json.toJson(Place.list)
    case "HTML" => {


GET    /places                      controllers.Application.listPlaces(format: String)
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