
i just started dabbling in php and i'm afraid i need some help to figure out how to manipulate utf-8 strings.

I'm working in ubuntu 11.10 x86, php version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.2. I have a utf-8 encoded file (vim :set encoding confirms this) which i then proceed to reading it using

$file = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    $line = fgets($file);
  • using mb_detect_encoding($line) reports UTF-8
  • If i do echo $line I can see the line properly (no mangled characters) in the browser
    • so I guess everything is fine with browser and apache. Though i did search my apache configuration for AddDefaultCharset and tried adding http meta-tags for character encoding (just in case)

When i try to split the string using $arr = mb_split(';',$line) the fields of the resulting array contain mangled utf-8 characters (mb_detect_encoding($arr[0]) reports utf-8 as well).

So echo $arr[0] will result in something like this: ΑΘΗÎÎ.

I have tried setting mb_detect_order('utf-8'), mb_internal_encoding('utf-8'), but nothing changed. I also tried to manually detect utf-8 using this w3 perl regex because i read somewhere that mb_detect_encoding can sometimes fail (myth?), but results were the same as well.

So my question is how can i properly split the string? Is going down the mb_ path the wrong way? What am I missing?

Thank you for your help!

UPDATE: I'm adding sample strings and base64 equivalents (thanks to @chris' for his suggestion)

1. original string: "ΑΘΗΝΑ;ΑΙΓΑΛΕΩ;12242;37.99452;23.6889"
2. base64 encoded: "zpHOmM6Xzp3OkTvOkc6ZzpPOkc6bzpXOqTsxMjI0MjszNy45OTQ1MjsyMy42ODg5"
3. first part (the equivalent of "ΑΘΗΝΑ") base64 encoded before splitting: "zpHOmM6Xzp3OkQ=="
4. first part ($arr[0] after splitting): "ΑΘΗÎΑ"
5. first part after splitting base64 encoded: "77u/zpHOmM6Xzp3OkQ=="

Ok, so after doing this there seems to be a 77u/ difference between 3. and 5. which according to this is a utf-8 BOM mark. So how can i avoid it?

UPDATE 2: I woke up refreshed today and with your tips in mind i tried it again. It seems that $line=fgets($file) reads correctly the first line (no mangled chars), and fails for each subsequent line. So then i base64_encoded the first and second line, and the 77u/ bom appeared on the base64'd string of the first line only. I then opened up the offending file in vim, and entered :set nobomb :w to save the file without the bom. Firing up php again showed that the first line was also mangled now. Based on @hakre's remove_utf8_bom i added it's complementary function

function add_utf8_bom($str){
    $bom= "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
    return substr($str,0,3)===$bom?$str:$bom.$str;

and voila each line is read correctly now.

I do not much like this solution, as it seems very very hackish (i can't believe that an entire framework/language does not provide for a way to deal with nobombed strings). So do you know of an alternate approach? Otherwise I'll proceed with the above.

Thanks to @chris, @hakre and @jacob for their time!

UPDATE 3 (solution): It turns out after all that it was a browser thing: it was not enough to add header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8') and meta-tags like <meta http-equiv="Content-type" value="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />. It also had to be properly enclosed inside an <html><body> section or the browser would not understand the encoding correctly. Thanks to @jake for his suggestion.

Morale of the story: I should learn more about html before trying coding for the browser in the first place. Thanks for your help and patience everyone.

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When you write debug/testing scripts in php, make sure you output a more or less valid HTML page.

I like to use a PHP file similar to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset=utf-8>
    <title>Test page for project XY</title>
     <h1>Test Page</h1>
        echo print_r($_GET,1);

If you don't include any HTML tags, the browser might interpret the file as a text file and all kinds of weird things could happen. In your case, I assume the browser interpreted the file as a Latin1 encoded text file. I assume it worked with the BOM, because whenever the BOM was present, the browser recognized the file as a UTF-8 file.


UTF-8 has the very nice feature that it is ASCII-compatible. With this I mean that:

  • ASCII characters stay the same when encoded to UTF-8
  • no other characters will be encoded to ASCII characters

This means that when you try to split a UTF-8 string by the semicolon character ;, which is an ASCII character, you can just use standard single byte string functions.

In your example, you can just use explode(';',$utf8encodedText) and everything should work as expected.

PS: Since the UTF-8 encoding is prefix-free, you can actually use explode() with any UTF-8 encoded separator.

PPS: It seems like you try to parse a CSV file. Have a look at the fgetcsv() function. It should work perfectly on UTF-8 encoded strings as long as you use ASCII characters for separators, quotes, etc.

Edit, I just read your post closer. You're suggesting this should output false, because you're suggesting a BOM was introduced by mb_split().

header('content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8');
$s = "zpHOmM6Xzp3OkTvOkc6ZzpPOkc6bzpXOqTsxMjI0MjszNy45OTQ1MjsyMy42ODg5";
$str = base64_decode($s);

$peices = mb_split(';', $str);

var_dump(substr($str, 0, 10) === $peices[0]);

Does it? It works as expected for me( bool true, and the strings in the array are correct)

The mb_splitDocs function should be fine, but you should define the charset it's using as well with mb_regex_encodingDocs:


About mb_detect_encodingDocs: it can fail, but that's just by the fact that you can never detect an encoding. You either know it or you can try but that's all. Encoding detection is mostly a gambling game, however you can use the strict parameter with that function and specify the encoding(s) you're looking for.

How to remove the BOM mask:

You can filter the string input and remove a UTF-8 bom with a small helper function:

 * remove UTF-8 BOM if string has it at the beginning
 * @param string $str
 * @return string
function remove_utf8_bom($str)
   if ($bytes = substr($str, 0, 3) && $bytes === "\xEF\xBB\xBF") 
       $str = substr($str, 3);
   return $str;


$line = remove_utf8_bom($line);

There are probably better ways to do it, but this should work.

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