
I am making a project in which i am using the phone contacts . In this app i am matching the number( incoming call number) with the numbers saved in contact list. I have formated the number and it is working over the phones on which the number is saved with this format +919045308261 and its not working over the phones on which the number is saved with this format +91 90 45 308261 The code that I have used is...

int hasPhoneNumber = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(cursor

                if (hasPhoneNumber > 0) {

                    Cursor phoneCursor = contentResolver.query(
                            PhoneCONTENT_URI, null, Phone_CONTACT_ID + " = ?",
                            new String[] { contact_id }, null);

                    while (phoneCursor.moveToNext()) {

                        phoneNumber = phoneCursor.getString(phoneCursor
                        String formatedphn = PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber(phoneNumber);
formatedphn = formatedphn.trim();
                        Log.i("formated number: ", formatedphn);
                //here the number is from which the call is incoming        
                            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "got it", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                            Log.i("Match occurs", "got a hit");
                            //Log.i("number= ", number);
                            String contname = phoneCursor.getString(phoneCursor
                                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), contname, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                                tts.speak(contname+" calling", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);

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String.trim() removes all leading and trailing spaces of a String, but not those in the middle. To remove all whitespaces of a String you can use this regex:

str = str.replaceAll("\\s+","");


You can do the following thing, compare after removing all the white spaces from the string.

String st = " Hello world";
st = st.trim(); // It should work fine and remove all white spaces.

now compare two strings as you are comparing. All d best

Here are some references:

According to This Thread How to format a phone number using PhoneNumberUtils? you can get formatted Number from +98 91 28 033921 to this 0912 80 33921 and compare with this

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