
Just noticed that for some benchmarks, it is really slow to get query result from z3 via java API. However, if I just dumped the query into smt2 format, and run z3 in the command line directly, it takes less than a second. Wonder why?

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I noticed that your problem contains a (push) command, removing this changes the performance dramatically. When Z3 first sees a (push), it switches to a different solver that supports incrementality and that can have a dramatic impact on the performance. By setting the verbosity to 15 via -v:15, the first line of Z3s output tells you which solver it is using, e.g., when the push command is present it says

(combined-solver "using solver 2 (without a timeout)")

and when it is not, then it says

(combined-solver "using solver 1")

For the given example, solver 2 happens to be significantly faster.

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